The External Postdoc Training Grant aims to support and supplement the general Postdoctoral Development Portfolio.
Current program for the Fiscal Year 2025 (October 1, 2024-September 30, 2025) will operate until September 30, 2025 or until program funds have been exhausted, whichever comes first.
Berkeley Lab will reimburse Postdocs for ONE training per fiscal year up to $500. Postdocs can contact pd-training@lbl.gov to request approval.
Eligible Participants
Berkeley Lab Postdocs in title codes Special Postdoc-Employee R32.0, Postdoc Employee R32.1, Interim Postdoc Employee R32.2, Affiliate Postdoc- Stipend Pay R32.3, and Affiliate Postdoc-Paid Direct R32.4.
Postdocs must be in a valid, current appointment at the time the training course is taken.
Eligible Trainings
The training must be offered by a UC, National Lab, accredited organization, or other learning institution where you could receive general career development training. Other examples may be courses offered by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), National Postdoc Association (NPA), etc.
The training must be specifically intended for Postdoc, Graduate or higher level.
The training must be a general career development course, not specific to the Postdoc’s discipline.
The training must cover material outside of LBNL courses or not available to the Postdoc during their Postdoc appointment to be eligible for reimbursement. If a similar course to that being requested is available at LBNL within the Postdoc’s appointment, the request may be denied.
Important: All requests for FY25 must be submitted no later than August 31, 2025.
Pre-approval must be obtained by contacting (pd-training@lbl.gov).
Please include all relevant information while requesting approval, including website links and pricing information. This will help expedite the review process.
The review process typically takes 24-48 hours. Requests related to conferences may take additional time for review.
Once you have received an approval email, you may purchase the course.
Once you have paid for the course and have the receipt, you may submit for reimbursement. Please note your receipt should reflect form of payment and show that the payment was accepted. The reimbursement request will be submitted by Google form. Postdocs must attach their receipt to the Google form. The Postdoc Program will submit for reimbursement on your behalf through the payment request process.