Mike Matrone

About Mike

Dr. Mike Matrone is the owner of and coach for Fulcrum Point Career Solutions, a career coaching business focused on helping scientists and higher education professionals build and advance their careers. Prior to founding his company in 2024, Mike provided career education and professional development support for doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars in the STEM fields at Scripps Research, OHSU, and UCSF.

Mike’s work earned him positions as Treasurer and President of his professional society, the Graduate Career Consortium (2013-2020), membership in the Postdoctorate Leaders Section Steering Committee of the AAMC’s Graduate Research Education and Training Group (2016-2018), and chair of the National Postdoctoral Association’s Executive Director Search Committee (2019-2020).

Since earning his PhD in Molecular Medicine from the University of Maryland and postdoctoral scholar position at Scripps Research, Mike has dedicated his career to supporting the careers of scientists and higher education professionals. He has helped hundreds of early-career scientists secure positions in industry, from small biotech startups to industry giants like Amazon, McKinsey, Pfizer, Vertex, and Roche. As a coach, Mike provides tailored advice, support, and solutions, ensuring his clients leave with a clear plan and the confidence to achieve their career goals.